Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Things I Learned in Nicaragua

1. Never assume anything is just ketchup

2. Speaking Spanish is definitely useful, Whether you're fluent, or just know the basics, it will come in handy

3. The human body can produce an unholy amount of sweat

4. Fewer things are more exciting than standing up on your surfboard and riding a wave for the first time

5. Machismo culture needs to die, like, yesterday. I was close to throttling the next person who made suggestive hissing sounds at me while seductively wiggling his eyebrows (sidenote: does this ever work?)

6. The thunder and lightning storms look like CGI effects

7. The sun rises and sets early, making it hard to break out of an awkward, up-at-dawn, in-bed-by-eight routine

8. The worst stories I heard about Central America prior to coming were told to me by people who had never been to Central America

9. Mordor references are always appropriate when looking into a volcano and seeing lava

10. Taxi drivers proposing? Yes

11. Learning about the history (both ancient and fairly recent) of a country is important, and I would even say mandatory, in order to understand how and why a place is like it is today. You may even spot some similarities to your own seemingly different country!

12. The bus system is often more reliable than the one at home in Vancouver

13. Rock that sexy flip-flop tan with pride, friend!

14. When you are hiking an extremely steep hill in one thousand percent humidity, it is okay to admit to yourself that you've maybe made a mistake

15. Befriending the beach dogs is necessary

16. The same six songs seem to be incredibly popular all over the country, as I couldn't escape them anywhere. I don't particularly like any of these songs, but will still be downloading all of them when I'm back. For memory's sake

17. If you have the opportunity to do laundry...do it!

18. There is nothing like watching a sunset on a mostly empty beach, with a beach dog-friend by your side

19. You will leave your heart in Nicaragua. You will. It just happens.

Questions? Comments? Criticisms? I'd love to hear them all!


  1. Great Post Rebecca, definitely agree with you on the machismo needing to die and people judging Nica without ever having been there. If you ever want to surf the waves in Cali you have a place to stay!

  2. Thanks so much Heather :) That goes double if you're ever in BC!
